Mama and her newest grandbaby, Anne. October 2011

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dear Mama,

It has been two months since your spirit left this earth, and today is your 37th anniversary.  I know it isn't MY anniversary, but I just wanted to say how much this day means to me.

Thank you for marrying Dad, and for sticking with him, even those first few years, when things looked like they might not go how you thought they would.  He turned out to be a wonderful man, huh?  He loves you more than anything in this world and would protect you from anything, and took the best care of you all those years you were sick.  Then he gave up his life completely to wait on you hand and foot there at the end.  You made a great choice, Mom.

The two of you somehow managed to be a cohesive unit, even though you came from completely different family styles, backgrounds, religious views, and, for a while, values.  You gave me the best gift a parent can give a child:  a stable, loving home environment with two people completely committed to their marriage and family.  You provided me with a foundation I could grow within and guidance when I needed it.

Thank you, Mom, for marrying Dad, and for being committed to being his wife and the mother of his children every day.  Even though you are gone, we are all still reaping the benefits of that choice.  I love you, Mom.  Happy Anniversary.

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